Are You The One? Wiki
Are You The One? Wiki
Are You The One? Seasons
1 2 3 4 5 SC 6 7 8 9

This is the fourth season of Are You The One? and was hosted by Ryan Devlin. The season was filmed in Maui, Hawaii and premiered on June 13, 2016 and ran through August 15, 2016.


Alyssa Ortiz
Asaf Goren
Cam Bruckman
Cameron Kolbo
Camille Satterwhite
Emma Sweigard
Francesca Duncan
Giovanni Rivera
John Humphrey
Julia Rose
Kaylen Zahara
Mikala Thomas
Morgan St. Pierre
Nicole Brown
Prosper Muna
Sam Handler
Stephen McHugh
Tori Deal
Tyler Norman
Victoria Wyatt

Truth Booth Matchups[]

Couple Week Result
Prosper & Tori 1 Not A Match
John & Julia 2 Not A Match
Cameron & Mikayla 3 Perfect Match
Asaf & Tori 4 Not A Match
Giovanni & Kaylen 5 Not A Match
Sam & Alyssa 6 Perfect Match
Cam & Victoria 7 Not A Match
Giovanni & Julia 8 Not A Match
Prosper & Emma 9 Perfect Match
Cam & Julia 10 Perfect Match

Match-up Ceremonies[]

Guys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Asaf Francesca Camille Camille Camille Camille Camille Francesca Camille Tori Kaylen
Cam Victoria Julia Nicole Emma Emma Victoria Nicole Tori Nicole Julia
Cameron Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla Mikayla
Giovanni Kaylen Kaylen Kaylen Kaylen Francesca Francesca Emma Nicole Francesca Francesca
John Emma Nicole Victoria Victoria Tori Emma Kaylen Kaylen Victoria Victoria
Morgan Julia Alyssa Francesca Tori Julia Tori Tori Victoria Julia Tori
Prosper Camille Emma Emma Nicole Victoria Kaylen Victoria Francesca Emma Emma
Sam Alyssa Francesca Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa
Stephen Nicole Tori Tori Julia Nicole Julia Julia Julia Kaylen Nicole
Tyler Tori Victoria Julia Francesca Kaylen Nicole Camille Emma Camille Camille
Correct Matches 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 6 10

Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Alyssa Sam Morgan Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam
Camille Prosper Asaf Asaf Asaf Asaf Asaf Tyler Asaf Tyler Tyler
Emma John Prosper Prosper Cam Cam John Giovanni Tyler Prosper Prosper
Francesca Asaf Sam Morgan Tyler Giovanni Giovanni Asaf Prosper Giovanni Giovanni
Julia Morgan Cam Tyler Stephen Morgan Stephen Stephen Stephen Morgan Cam
Kaylen Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni Tyler Prosper John John Stephen Asaf
Mikala Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron
Nicole Stephen John Cam Prosper Stephen Tyler Cam Giovanni Cam Stephen
Tori Tyler Stephen Stephen Morgan John Morgan Morgan Cam Asaf Morgan
Victoria Cam Tyler John John Prosper Cam Prosper Morgan John John
Correct Matches 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 6 10
     Unconfirmed match
  • On the eighth match up ceremony no new couples matched in the match-up ceremony, causing a blackout. The blackout reduced the total prize money by $250,000, lowering the jackpot from $1,000,000 to $750,000.

Episode Guide[]

Episode Air date Viewers


Season Avg


1 Perfect Match at First Sight June 13, 2016 0.69 0.69 [1]
2 Punch Drunk Love June 20, 2016 0.54 -.15 0.62 [2]
3 She Don't Want You June 27, 2016 0.74 +0.20 0.66 [3]
4 Three's a Crowd July 11, 2016 0.70 -0.04 0.67 [4]
5 Beer Goggles July 18, 2016 0.69 -0.01 0.67 [5]
6 Mammas' Boys July 25, 2016 0.68 -0.01 0.67 [6]
7 Pulling Punches August 1, 2016 0.65 -0.03 0.67 [7]
8 Great Ex-pectations August 8, 2016 0.54 -0.11 0.65 [8]
9 All or Nothing Part I August 15, 2016 0.74 +0.20 0.66 [9]
10 All or Nothing August 15, 2016 0.67 -0.07 0.66 [10]
Key: Increase Decrease
  1. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 6.13.2016 (June 13, 2016).
  2. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 6.20.2016 (June 20, 2016).
  3. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 6.27.2016 (June 27, 2016).
  4. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 7.11.201 (July 11, 2016).
  5. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 7.18.2016 (July 18, 2016).
  6. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 7.25.2016 (July 25, 2016).
  7. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 8.01.2016 (August 1, 2016).
  8. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 8.08.2016 (August 8, 2016).
  9. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 8.15.2016 (August 15, 2016).
  10. 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals 8.15.2016 (August 15, 2016).
Are You The One? 4 Episodes

Perfect Match at First SightPunch Drunk LoveShe Don't Want YouThree's a CrowdBeer GogglesMammas' BoysPulling PunchesGreat Ex-pectationsAll or Nothing Part IAll or Nothing

After Filming[]


  1. Dee, J. (2022). Are You The One? Season 4: Where Are They Now? ScreenRant.
  2. Thompson, E. (2023b, April 23). ‘Are You the One?’ Couples Status Check: Who’s Still Together and Who Broke Up? Us Weekly.