Derrick is a star college athlete who is currently working toward his MBA -- and he's has always had his eye on the prize. The same can be said for his approach to dating: When a lady catches Derrick’s eye, he wastes no time letting her know he’s interested. Despite coming on strong, he doesn’t settle down, which typically results in the girl moving on to someone else. But the hookup scene is getting old, and Derrick says he wants to find The One. Will he realize that finding true love means making a commitment?
The house declined to know if Tyranny & Derrick were a perfect match, increasing their remaining prize money by $150,000. It is revealed at the reunion they are not a perfect match.
AYTO? Second Chances Gameplay[]
Casandra threw her whole heart into the Are You The One? experience hoping to find love. Instead she found heartbreak after falling for her “No Match.” Distracted as she was, it didn’t make much difference because her Perfect Match was distracted by strategy. Rather than listening to his heart, Derrick tried to find love with his head. That didn’t work out so well and Season 5 became the first in Are You The One? history to not win $1,000,000. For Derrick and Casandra, this is their chance to get it right, win back some money, get to know each other, and maybe find a relationship with their Perfect Match.