Are You The One? Wiki
Getting Dumped On
Season Season 1
Episode Number 8
Air Date March 11, 2014
Episode Chronology
It's So Hard... to Say Goodbye
White Party

Getting Dumped On is the eighth episode of Are You The One? 1.


The cast is finally fed up with Kayla and confronts her about her manipulation and lies. Ryan re-evaluates his feelings, and Chris S tries to get in-between Jacy and John J.

Getaway Challenge[]

In a challenge called "Well Hung" each couple will grab onto their own suspended rope. One person will grab the rope and the other will grab onto their partner. During the challenge goo will be dropped onto the suspended couple. If either participant lets go the couple is eliminated. The top winning couple, Joey & Ashley, is going to dinner on a private beach and camping. The winning couples, Brian & Kayla and Scali & Simone, are paddle boarding off the Hanalei River river to the Dolphins restaurant for a romantic dinner.

Are You The One? 1 Episodes

You Can't Handle The TruthThe Temptation of Chris TA Real GKarma's a BitchDouble ShotTurn the PaigeIt's so Hard ... to Say GoodbyeGetting Dumped OnWhite PartyRub Down with a Happy EndingThe AftermatchAre You The One: Special Delivery
