Are You The One? Wiki
Turn the Paige
Season Season 1
Episode Number 6
Air Date February 25, 2014
Episode Chronology
Double Shot
It's So Hard... to Say Goodbye

Turn the Paige is the sixth episode of Are You The One? 1.


The house tries to discern the next couple; Simone tries to break up Chris T. and Shanley; the house is in chaos following a trip to the Truth Booth.

Getaway Challenge[]

In a challenge called "Kiss My Ice", each round couples will be presented with two flavors of shaved ice. They will then have to decide which participant eats what. The last to finish and those who vomit are eliminated. The three of the winning couples are going on a getaway date but the top winning couple gets a private one on one date. The winning couples are going ziplining through the jungle, then swimming through a private waterfall lagoon. The winning couples are Ethan & Amber, Dre & Shanley, and Paige & Chris. The top winning couple, Britney & Joey, is going cliff diving at shipwreck beach followed by a dinner at Brennecke's.

Are You The One? 1 Episodes

You Can't Handle The TruthThe Temptation of Chris TA Real GKarma's a BitchDouble ShotTurn the PaigeIt's so Hard ... to Say GoodbyeGetting Dumped OnWhite PartyRub Down with a Happy EndingThe AftermatchAre You The One: Special Delivery
